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Tchuechue Mbokouoko Rodrigue Visits Venkateshwar Hospital for Multiple Ailments.


Tchuechue Mbokouoko Rodrigue from Cameroon had been living a tough life, battling with a number of medical illnesses. He had been diagnosed with a colorectal tumor, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty in the ankle movement. He was also suffering from fecal incontinence. After not getting any relief from getting the treatment in Cameroon, he finally decided to come to India.


Tell us about yourself

I am Tchuechue Mbokouoko Rodrigue from Cameroon and I am 42 years old.


Tchuechue Mbokouoko Rodrigue/ multiple treatments/ Venkateshwara hospital/ Cameroon


What brought you to India?

I had been suffering from multiple medical conditions. I was diagnosed with a tumor in my colorectal region. Also, I was suffering from erectile dysfunction along with fecal incontinence. My ankle pain and dysfunction made all my signs and symptoms even worse. Even though I had surgery in 2016, there was no relief. Finally, I decided to come to India for my treatment.


How did you choose the doctor and the hospital for your treatment?

Before coming to India, the case manager from Vaidam provided me with a list of some of the top hospitals in India, that have a great record in performing complex surgeries with a high success rate. They also gave me opinions and quotations from all the hospitals and helped me with the selection amongst them. I also searched for Dr. Arun Giri on the internet and found great reviews about him. Shortly, I was able to make up my mind to get my surgery done by Dr. Arun Giri at Venkateshwara Hospital.


How did you get the visa and arrange your stay?

The team helped me get a Visa Invitation Letter and got my visa within a week. Also, a member of Vaidam showed me several options for my stay and I chose as per my preferences.


How did your treatment go?

Shortly, after my arrival in India on 11th March 2019, my appointment was fixed with Dr. Arun Giri. When I reached India, I was still having extreme difficulty to move the ankle, erectile dysfunction and oligoasthenospermia (low number of sperm). He listened to me very patiently, noted all my medical history in detail and conducted the physical examination. After this, he ordered certain investigations to confirm the diagnosis. After the reports came back, he explained to me in detail about all my conditions and prescribed medications for the treatment. I felt very satisfied with the interaction with my doctor and finally went back home on 5th April 2019.


Vaidam Health wishes him great health in the future.

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Dr. Kavreen Arora

Dr. Kavreen studied medicine and actively practised for few years before she decided to share her knowledge through medical blogs and articles. Since then, Dr. Kavreen has written several articles about the recent advances in various medical treatments, life expectancies, and the best hospitals & doctors across the nation. 

She is a keen observer and likes to keep herself updated with the new technologies. She is an avid reader and an earnest writer in the medical field.

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