Doctors Choosen

Dr. Jayanta Bain

Cosmetic Surgeon, Aesthetics and Plastic Surgeon

You can however, book an appointment with similar doctor in Kolkata

Dr Akhilesh Agarwal


Cosmetic Surgeon, Aesthetics and Plastic Surgeon

Manipal Hospital Formerly AMRI Hospital, Kolkata (Mukundapur)

18 Years of experience

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Dr. Aditya Kanoi

Visiting Consultant

Cosmetic Surgeon, Aesthetics and Plastic Surgeon

Manipal Hospital Formerly AMRI Hospital, Kolkata (Dhakuria)

15 Years of experience

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Dr. Gouranga Dutta


Cosmetic Surgeon, Aesthetics and Plastic Surgeon

Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata

13 Years of experience

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Or, Select Available Cosmetic Surgeon from the hospitals below