Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant Cost In Germany

Cost of Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant in Germany: Detailed Overview

In Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant, healthy blood cells are extracted from your own body to replace the diseased cells
In Autologous BMT, transplanted blood cells travel to the bone marrow to produce healthy blood cells and grow new marrow

Doctors for Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant in Germany

Hematologists and Hemato-Oncologists are the right Bone Marrow Transplant specialists to carry out this surgical treatment.

Cost related to Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant in Germany

Listing approximate price of Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant USD 168300 USD 205700
Bone Marrow Transplant USD 162000 USD 198000
Bone Marrow Cancer USD 193950 USD 237050

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Success Rate

The overall success rate of Autologous BMT is 86 percent when proper chemotherapy is given followed by autologous bone marrow transplant in case of hematological malignancies. The Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant may cure certain cancers such as Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myelodysplasia, or Multiple Myeloma. It also cures diseases that affect the production of bone marrow cells such as aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, or thalassemia.
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Everything You Need to Know About Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant: Q&A

Before the Procedure (12 Questions):

In an autologous transplant, your own blood-forming stem cells are collected. You are then treated with high doses of chemotherapy. The high-dose treatment kills the cancer cells, but it also gets rid of the blood-producing cells that are left in your bone marrow.

Autologous stem cell transplant offers very high chances of sending disease into remission for a long time and it varier person to person.

90% success rate.

YES, but this is temporary.

No, Bone Marrow Transplant is a medical procedure. It is as good as undergoing a blood transfusion.

It takes about 24 hours for your stem cells to reach the bone marrow. Then they start to grow, multiply, and help the marrow make healthy blood cells again.

Autologus bone marrow transplant is a transplant procedure which uses healthy blood stem cells from your own body to replace the diseased and damaged bone.

In autologous transplant the blood forming stem cells are being separated and collected and then they are treated with high doses of chemotherapy which kills the cancer cells but it will also help you to get rid of blood producing cells which are left in your bone marrow.

Autologus bone marrow transplant are needed in those patients who have leukemias, severe aplastic anemia, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, immune deficiency disorder and some solid tumor cancers.

Autologus  bone marrow transplant is being used to treat blood cancer such as Hodgkin and non Hodgkin lymphoma. This treatment restores the body’s ability to make normal blood cells after a high dose of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

The success rate of autologous bone marrow transplant is  around 50 to 60 percent followed by a high dose of chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant.

Autologus bone marrow transplant comes from the same person who will get transplant so the patient is the donor while allogenic bone marrow transplant means other, the stem cells in the allogenic transplant are from a person other than patient.

During the Procedure (4 Questions):

For this, your doctor uses a needle to get bone marrow from different parts of your hipbone. It takes 1 to 2 hours and you'll take medicine to help you sleep through it.

Autologus bone marrow transplant is not a surgical procedure and it will take around one to four hour.

Autologus bone marrow transplant is being done by an oncologist or a haematologist.

In autologous transplant the blood forming stem cells are collected and they are treated with high doses of chemotherapy. These high doses will treat the cancer cells but it also help you to get rid of the blood producing cells which are left in bone marrow.

Post the Procedure (7 Questions):

Absolutely, you will go back to normal life after 4-6 weeks of the procedure.

For some people fatigue is a short term effect of treatment that gets better over a few months or it might come and go for about six months to a year.

The recovery time of autologous bone marrow transplant will take around two to three weeks while cord blood engraftment will take around three to five weeks.

Bone marrow transplant will take around three months to recover it will also take more or less time. The time taken after transplant will depend on your time of your recovery and growth.

The side effect of autologous stem cell transplant are mouth and throat pain, nausea, vomiting, infection, bleeding, graft failure and graft versus host disease.

Bone marrow transplant is done after you complete the conditioning process on the day of transplant the stem cells are being infused in your body through a central line.

You have to go through regular blood tests to asses that the transplanted healthy cells have survived or they have started to multiply in the bone marrow.  It will take around two to four weeks or sometimes even more to have an idea whether the transplant procedure is successful or not.

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