Blocked Fallopian Tubes Cost In Turkey

Doctors for Blocked Fallopian Tubes in Turkey

Cost related to Blocked Fallopian Tubes in Turkey

Listing approximate price of Blocked Fallopian Tubes and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Salpingectomy USD 3924 USD 4796

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Our Services for Blocked Fallopian Tubes in Turkey

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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Blocked Fallopian Tubes Cost

Hysterosalpingography, or HSG, is an X-ray test to outline the internal shape of the uterus and show whether the fallopian tubes are blocked, the cost of the test is being included in the package. The other test conducted includes blood tests such as glucose level tests, blood clotting tests, blood chemistry, and blood count test.

All medicines in the time frame that the patient is at the hospital are covered in the package. Medicines taken for recovery are usually not covered in the package price.

Blocked fallopian tube surgery opens up the blocked tubes and save the tissue known as fimbraie so that the eggs cannot move out through this tube. You may have some pain or soreness for few days at the incision site. After the treatment you have to visit with your Gynecologist and they will tell you the date when you have to go for ultrasound to check whether the fallopian tubes are opened or not. The post treatment expense of the procedure is being included in the package.

The hospital stay of the surgery can be of one day or even more depending on your recovery. Recovery time of the surgery maybe of six weeks, the stay duration  and the follow up cost is being included in the package.

As per the norm the cost of the surgery is being included in the package because this is a complete medical procedure.

IVF is the other treatment option for blocked fallopian tube.

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