Hydrocele Surgery Cost In United Arab Emirates

Doctors for Hydrocele Surgery in United Arab Emirates

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Our Services for Hydrocele Surgery in United Arab Emirates

Transparent - Professional - Without Hassles

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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Hydrocele Surgery Cost

Several tests are done before a hydrocele surgery, such as blood & urine tests, ultrasound, and X-rays to determine the patient’s condition. The cost of these tests is included in the package.

When the patient is hospitalized, the costs of the medicines are covered in the package. After getting discharged, if the patient buys any medicine from outside the hospital, it is not included in the package. 

It is an outpatient procedure that normally takes around half an hour. After the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room for observation. You can go home the same day after the treatment. Schedule a follow-up appointment a few weeks after the surgery so the doctor can check for any signs of infection or complications.

It will usually get better in 2-3 weeks. Apply cold packs for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling and pain. You can resume your normal routine 4-7 days after the surgery but do not do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for some weeks. If you experience excessive bleeding, blood clots, damage near the testicles, or swelling & pain in your scrotum again, you need to visit your surgeon. 

Hydrocele treatment is covered under insurance policies. You can talk to the insurance providers about the coverage and find out the methods that will allow you to cover the entire expense of the treatment.

Inserting a needle into the hydrocele and withdrawing the fluid is an alternative to surgery. This procedure is cheap and less invasive than hydrocele surgery.

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